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How to recruit a team of MVPs for your startup

Your team is a top priority to the success of your startup business. Unlike larger organizations that have many talents to pull from, a startup company needs all hands on deck to be ready at any time. Then, how does a startup business leader recruit the most valuable players to help their company grow? Recruiting passionate team members is key to a successful startup company. If you create the right combination, a team will thrive and enjoy the ongoing success of your business.

Not satisfied with status quo

A startup team requires individuals who are willing to leave an established position that has a stable routine to invest their time and energy into the excitement of helping a small business. Working with a startup doesn’t run on the same old routine, but works off of daily achievements and tangible goals. Instead of feeling unappreciated in the fast-paced, competitive environment that can be found in a corporate position, startup companies allow employees to feel like they are making a difference as they clearly see the results of their efforts.

Know what drives your team

Working for a startup can be stressful as employees deal with a high level of uncertainty. Don’t try to win your employees over with superficial perks and benefits. These can be nice, but startup employees will think less about these perks amid the level of stress that can come with a startup. Your team will be motivated by meaningful goals and the ability to achieve these and measure progress. Get to know what resonates with your employees and motivates them to want to achieve.

Set clear goals

If your business path is unclear, your employees will be confused and lack the motivation to move your efforts forward. Establish a collaborative environment that is linear to allow for the sharing of ideas and communication. People who work for startups no that they won’t be easily gliding through a normal work week, but that every day is different and flexibility is required. Remove any obscurity by making sure your team knows what decisions are being made. Unlike the corporate environment, startup teams need to be highly involved with decisions and problem solving.

Recruit an experienced team

It is always beneficial to recruit team players that are familiar with startup companies. The culture is very different from a normal corporate environment. Your team needs to be aware of the cultural differences and be willing to ride an unpredictable roller coaster. You should also recognize that an employee who wants to join a startup team is most likely unmanageable at times, because they strive to think outside of the box and break new ground to improve business development.

As a startup leader, an established and motivated team is your top priority. Look for those who are passionate about growth and are not afraid of an unpredictable environment. Instead, they are motivated by achievement.

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